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со всех языков на все языки

the shark

  • 1 The Shark

    Names and surnames: TS

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > The Shark

  • 2 jump the shark

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > jump the shark

  • 3 jump the shark

    (בעולם הטלוויזיה) לכלול קטע בהגזמת יתר או גיוון של עלילת הסיפור דבר המצביע על העובדה שתכנית טלוויזיה שרצה כבר זמן ממושך נקבעה כהולכת ופוחתת
    * * *
    תתחופו תכלוהכ העבקנ ךשוממ ןמז רבכ הצרש היזיוולט תינכתש הדבועה לע עיבצמה רבד רופיסה תלילע לש ןוויג וא רתי תמזגהב עטק לולכל (היזיוולטה םלועב)

    English-Hebrew dictionary > jump the shark

  • 4 jump the shark

    een overdreven scene invoeren of een variatie van het plot om naar voren te brengen dat de langdurige televisieshow minder aantrekkelijk is geworden

    English-Dutch dictionary > jump the shark

  • 5 shark

    [English Word] black tip reef shark
    [English Plural] black tip reef sharks
    [Taxonomy] Carcharhinus melanopterus
    [Swahili Word] papa karaji
    [Swahili Plural] papa karaji
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Dialect] Kimvita
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] large shark
    [English Plural] sharks
    [Swahili Word] kinengwe
    [Swahili Plural] vinengwe
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8an
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] shark
    [English Plural] sharks
    [Taxonomy] Carcharhinus
    [Swahili Word] papa
    [Swahili Plural] papa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [English Example] the shark is the famous one in the sea but there are many others (proverb)
    [Swahili Example] avumaye baharini papa kumbe wengi wapo (methali)
    [Terminology] marine
    [English Word] shark (type of)
    [English Plural] sharks
    [Swahili Word] kapungu
    [Swahili Plural] kapungu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10an
    [Terminology] marine

    English-Swahili dictionary > shark

  • 6 shark

    shark [ʃɑ:k]
    (a) Ichthyology requin m
    (b) familiar figurative (swindler) escroc m, filou m; (predator → in business) requin m;
    he's a real shark c'est un véritable escroc;
    the sharks are out les requins ont flairé un bon coup
    (c) American familiar (genius) génie m;
    to be a shark at sth être calé en qch
    (d) American (at match) revendeur(euse) m,f de billets à la sauvette

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > shark

  • 7 shark

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > shark

  • 8 shark-oil

    [English Word] shark-oil (used for caulking boats)
    [Swahili Word] sifa
    [Swahili Plural] sifa
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Word] Port.
    [English Example] after being constructed, the ship was furnished with shark-oil to protect its timber
    [Swahili Example] Baada ya kuundwa, jahazi ilipakwa sifa kudumisha nguvu za mbao zake

    English-Swahili dictionary > shark-oil

  • 9 shark

    1. सोर
    There were many sharks in the Arabian sea.
    2. धूर्त
    He is a loan shark.

    English-Hindi dictionary > shark

  • 10 shark’s fin soup

       soup thickened and flavored with the cartilage of shark’s fins, which provides a protein-rich gelatin

    Italiano-Inglese Cucina internazionale > shark’s fin soup

  • 11 shark repellent

    Gen Mgt
    provisions in a company’s bylaws that make it more difficult for a proposition such as a change of status or the acceptance of a hostile takeover bid to succeed. Elements of shark repellent may include: requiring a vote that is substantially higher than that required by law; creating different voting rights attached to different stocks; very long notice for special business meetings; or requiring certain shareholders to waive rights to any capital gains resulting from a takeover. (slang)

    The ultimate business dictionary > shark repellent

  • 12 Shark Bay

    English-Russian base dictionary > Shark Bay

  • 13 shark watcher

    in the United States, a firm specializing in monitoring the stock market for potential takeover activity (slang)

    The ultimate business dictionary > shark watcher

  • 14 The Prisoner of Shark Island

       1936 – США (95 мин)
         Произв. Fox (Дэррил Ф. Зэнак)
         Реж. ДЖОН ФОРД
         Сцен. Наннелли Джонсон по событиям жизни доктора Сэмюэла А. Мадда и по мотивам книги Ллойда Льюиса «Мифы после Линкольна» (Myths After Lincoln)
         Опер. Берт Гленнон
         Муз. Луис Силверз
         В ролях Уорнер Бэкстер (доктор Сэмюэл А. Мадд), Глория Стюарт (миссис Пегги Мадд), Клод Гиллингуортер (полковник Дайер), Артур Байрон (мистер Эриксон), О.П. Хегги (доктор Макинтайр), Гарри Кэри (комендант Форт-Джефферсона), Фрэнсис Форд (капрал О'Тул), Джон Кэррадин (сержант Рэнкин), Фрэнк Макглинн-ст. (Авраам Линкольн), Фрэнсис Макдоналд (Джон Уилкс Бут).
       В апреле 1865 г. во время театрального представления президент Линкольн убит Джоном Уилксом Бутом, который, совершив свое черное дело, прыгает с балкона на сцену. Он скрывается в Вирджинии, а по пути залечивает ногу у доктора Сэмюэла А. Мадда, небогатого сельского врача, чей дом случайно встретился Буту по дороге. Позднее солдаты находят у врача сапог, принадлежавший убийце. Врач окажется в числе 8 подозреваемых, попавших под суд после гибели Бута, убитого при аресте в Вирджинии. Его судит военный трибунал, требующий самой жестокой кары для обуздания народных волнений. Некоторые даже советуют отказаться в этом конкретном случае от принципа «обоснованного сомнения» – краеугольного камня американского права. Большинство подозреваемых приговорены к повешению, Мадд же осужден на вечную каторгу на Драй-Тортугас, адском острове у берегов Флориды.
       Тюрьма представляет собой крепость, окруженную рвом глубиной 12 м, кишащим акулами, кормят которых очень скудно. Главный надзиратель готовит особые условия для «убийцы Линкольна». В 1-е же дни в тюрьме Мадд впал бы в отчаяние, если бы не встретил среди охранников чернокожего мужчину из его деревни, у жены которого он принял роды 12 детей. Чернокожий земляк устроился на эту работу по просьбе супруги Мадда. Она не сидит сложа руки. Вместе с судьей она планирует новый арест мужа и повторный суд над ним. Но для этого необходимо, чтобы Мадд попал в Ки-Уэст. Там она и поселяется и ждет, когда ее мужу удастся сбежать.
       Мадд совершает отважную попытку побега и удачно переплывает ров: пули, свистящие вокруг, отпугивают акул. Он поднимается на борт поджидающего его корабля, но главный надзиратель со своими людьми настигает его и препровождает обратно в крепость. Его бросают гнить в карцер, и тут среди персонала и пленников Драй-Тортугас вспыхивает эпидемия желтой лихорадки. Мадд спасается от болезни благодаря изоляции в карцере, но соглашается лечить больных и тратит неимоверные усилия ради их спасения. Угрожая пушкой, он вынуждает пристать к берегу военный корабль с запасом лекарств и провианта, боязливо жмущийся на рейде. В награду за героическое поведение Мадд получает свободу. Он возвращается домой, к жене и дочери.
         Эта картина Форда отличается размахом, свойственным Гюго, и доказывает разнообразие и широту режиссерского диапазона в довоенный период творчества. В ней нет ни яркости, ни той великолепной непринужденности, что так оживляла трилогию с участием Уилла Роджерза (ее последнюю часть Форд закончил несколькими месяцами раньше), а есть, наоборот, продиктованная сюжетом трагическая серьезность, от начала и до конца повествования. Ассоциации с Гюго рождает судьба главного героя, жертвы чудовищной судебной ошибки; равно как и алхимия, при помощи которой он превратит зло в добро, вытравит из своего сердца и своих поступков отчаяние, горечь, злобу и заменит их добротой, не отступающей ни при каких испытаниях и, в самой глубине ада, несущей спасение ему и другим. Какое-то простое величие исходит от действующих лиц, поворотов сюжета, декораций и мест, отмечающих этапы этого поучительного приключения, несмотря на небрежность, с которой подчас оказываются выполнены сцены с активным действием. Дело в том, что Джона Форда в первую очередь занимает движение сердец и душ, а ко всему остальному, что он считал вторичным, режиссер относился весьма беспечно. Таким образом, этот фильм ясно демонстрирует иерархию предпочтений режиссера и становится, как и всегда у Форда, точным портретом своего создателя.
       N.B. Ремейк под названием Врата ада, Hellgate снят в 1952 г. Чарлзом Маркизом Уорреном.

    Авторская энциклопедия фильмов Жака Лурселля > The Prisoner of Shark Island

  • 15 loan shark

    n sl esp AmE

    The loan shark employed some hard-nosed hoodlums to exact the juice from holdouts — Ростовщик обычно нанимал каких-нибудь отпетых хулиганов для выбивания процентов из тех, кто медлил платить по ним

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > loan shark

  • 16 down at (the) heels

       1) бeднo, нищeнcки или нepяшливo oдeтый [букв. co cтoптaнными кaблукaми]
        Some three or four years later I began to use for cleaning purposes a sometimes drunken and always impoverished and down at heels... village character - Johnny Morton by name (Th. Dreiser)
       2) бeдный, oбнищaвший; нeпpиглядный, жaлкий
        You see, my Dad, Pat Gibbons, a little down at the heels in 0, was representing a loan-shark outfit in Georgia (W. Du Bois). 'Down at the heels [oчeнь бeдный пpиxoд],' the Bishop said candidly (E. OConnor)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > down at (the) heels

  • 17 tiburón

    1 shark.
    2 loan shark, usurer, high-interest lender.
    * * *
    1 shark
    * * *
    1) (Zool) shark
    2) * (=persona sin escrúpulos) shark *
    3) (Bolsa) raider
    4) Cono Sur wolf *, Don Juan
    * * *
    a) (Zool) shark
    b) (fam) ( persona) shark
    c) (Fin) raider
    * * *
    = shark.
    Ex. The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.
    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * parecido a un tiburón = sharky.
    * tiburón ballena = whale shark.
    * tiburón blanco = white shark.
    * * *
    a) (Zool) shark
    b) (fam) ( persona) shark
    c) (Fin) raider
    * * *

    Ex: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.

    * gran tiburón blanco = great white shark.
    * parecido a un tiburón = sharky.
    * tiburón ballena = whale shark.
    * tiburón blanco = white shark.

    * * *
    1 ( Zool) shark
    great white shark
    tiger shark
    2 ( fam) (persona) shark
    3 ( Fin) raider
    * * *


    tiburón sustantivo masculino
    a) (Zool) shark

    b) (fam) ( persona) shark

    c) (Fin) raider

    tiburón m Zool shark
    ' tiburón' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    1. [pez] shark
    tiburón ballena whale shark;
    tiburón peregrino basking shark
    2. Fin Fam raider
    * * *
    1 ZO, fig fam
    2 FIN raider
    * * *
    tiburón nm, pl - rones
    1) : shark
    2) : raider (in finance)
    * * *
    tiburón n shark

    Spanish-English dictionary > tiburón

  • 18 comida

    1 food (food).
    comida basura junk food
    comida casera home cooking
    comidas para empresas business catering
    comida preparada convenience food
    comida rápida fast food
    2 meal (almuerzo, cena).
    comida de Navidad Christmas dinner
    comida de trabajo business lunch
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: comer.
    1st person singular (yo) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: comedirse.
    * * *
    1 (alimento) food
    3 (almuerzo) lunch
    comida basura junk food
    comida casera home cooking
    comida de negocios business lunch
    comida rápida fast food
    * * *
    noun f.
    1) food
    3) meal
    * * *
    1) (=alimento) food

    mamá está haciendo o preparando la comida — mum is making lunch

    comida precocinada, comida preparada — ready meals pl, precooked meals pl

    2) (=acto de comer) meal
    3) esp Esp (=almuerzo) lunch
    4) LAm (=cena) dinner, evening meal
    5) **

    comida de coco, comida de tarro, en la mili le han hecho una comida de coco o tarro — they brainwashed him when he was in the army

    este libro es una comida de coco o tarro — this book is pretty heavy stuff *

    * * *
    1) ( alimentos) food

    hago tres comidas al díaI have o eat three meals a day

    b) (AmL) (menú, platos) food

    hacer or preparar la comida — to get the food ready o cook the food

    a) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almuerzo) lunch, dinner (BrE)
    b) (esp AmL) ( cena) dinner, supper; ( en algunas regiones del Reino Unido) tea
    * * *
    = food, meal, eats, cuisine, food supply, grub, chow, nosh, foodstuffs, fare, supper, supply of food.
    Ex. Food, cookery and Mediterranean are isolates drawn from the facets of Domestic science, constituting phenomena studied.
    Ex. The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.
    Ex. Recounts the experience of some US book superstores in offering drinks and eats in order to make them user friendly.
    Ex. Diet books are now more flexible, and there is a resurgence of interest in vegetarian cuisine.
    Ex. This study investigated the mechanisms by which these changes have impacted on birds and their food supplies.
    Ex. Why grub has to be 'rustled up' is anyone's guess; that is just the way it was on the Wild West.
    Ex. The lowly chow of the rural poor has gone highbrow.
    Ex. Top it off with spicy guacamole and it's worth the nosh.
    Ex. Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.
    Ex. This stylish cafe, situated in a heritage-listed building that used to be a gun shop, offers original, restaurant-quality fare.
    Ex. A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.
    Ex. Previous studies in which squirrels were provisioned with an abundant supply of food found a reduction in the rate of caching.
    * atracarse de comida = stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * atracón de comida = binge eating.
    * bolsa de comida = box lunch.
    * buena comida, la = good food.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * cama y comida = food and board, bed and board.
    * comida al aire libre = cookout.
    * comida basura = junk food.
    * comida caliente = cooked meal.
    * comida de dos platos y postre = three-course meal.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * comida de fuera = outside food.
    * comida de Navidad = Christmas dinner.
    * comida de trabajo = business meal, professional meal.
    * comida de tres platos = three-course meal.
    * comida ecológica = ecological food.
    * comida en conserva = tinned food, canned food.
    * comida enlatada = tinned food, canned food.
    * comida escolar = school lunch, school dinner.
    * comida grasa = fatty food.
    * comida infantil = baby food.
    * comida para animales = animal feed.
    * comida para llevar = takeaway meal, take-out meal, take-out.
    * comida para niños = baby food.
    * comida para pájaros = bird seed.
    * comida para perros = dog food.
    * comida para picar = finger food.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comida precocinada = baked goods.
    * comida preparada = take-out.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * comida rápida = fast food, junk food.
    * comidas = dining.
    * comida saludable = wholesome food, healthy food.
    * comida sana = wholesome food, healthy food.
    * comidas caseras = home cooking.
    * comidas selectas = delicatessen [deli, -abrev.].
    * comida tradicional de los negros del sur de los Estados Unidos = soul food.
    * comida y alojamiento = board and lodging.
    * comida y habitación = board and lodging.
    * decoración de los carritos de la comida = trolley dressing.
    * en las comidas = at meal times.
    * gasto en comida = food bill.
    * harto de comida = fullfed.
    * hora de la comida = mealtime [meal time].
    * industria de la comida rápida, la = fast-food industry, the.
    * preparar la comida = cook + meal.
    * puesto de café y comida = coffee and lunch corner.
    * puesto de comida = food stall.
    * restaurante de comida rápida = fast-food restaurant.
    * ser muy delicado con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * ser muy melindroso con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.
    * * *
    1) ( alimentos) food

    hago tres comidas al díaI have o eat three meals a day

    b) (AmL) (menú, platos) food

    hacer or preparar la comida — to get the food ready o cook the food

    a) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almuerzo) lunch, dinner (BrE)
    b) (esp AmL) ( cena) dinner, supper; ( en algunas regiones del Reino Unido) tea
    * * *
    = food, meal, eats, cuisine, food supply, grub, chow, nosh, foodstuffs, fare, supper, supply of food.

    Ex: Food, cookery and Mediterranean are isolates drawn from the facets of Domestic science, constituting phenomena studied.

    Ex: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.
    Ex: Recounts the experience of some US book superstores in offering drinks and eats in order to make them user friendly.
    Ex: Diet books are now more flexible, and there is a resurgence of interest in vegetarian cuisine.
    Ex: This study investigated the mechanisms by which these changes have impacted on birds and their food supplies.
    Ex: Why grub has to be 'rustled up' is anyone's guess; that is just the way it was on the Wild West.
    Ex: The lowly chow of the rural poor has gone highbrow.
    Ex: Top it off with spicy guacamole and it's worth the nosh.
    Ex: Attention has focussed on the labelling of foodstuffs and the testing and approval of food additives.
    Ex: This stylish cafe, situated in a heritage-listed building that used to be a gun shop, offers original, restaurant-quality fare.
    Ex: A big pumpkin, cut into quarters and baked, is a sweet and warming supper.
    Ex: Previous studies in which squirrels were provisioned with an abundant supply of food found a reduction in the rate of caching.
    * atracarse de comida = stuff + Posesivo + face.
    * atracón de comida = binge eating.
    * bolsa de comida = box lunch.
    * buena comida, la = good food.
    * búsqueda de comida = foraging.
    * cama y comida = food and board, bed and board.
    * comida al aire libre = cookout.
    * comida basura = junk food.
    * comida caliente = cooked meal.
    * comida de dos platos y postre = three-course meal.
    * comida de empresa = company dinner.
    * comida de fuera = outside food.
    * comida de Navidad = Christmas dinner.
    * comida de trabajo = business meal, professional meal.
    * comida de tres platos = three-course meal.
    * comida ecológica = ecological food.
    * comida en conserva = tinned food, canned food.
    * comida enlatada = tinned food, canned food.
    * comida escolar = school lunch, school dinner.
    * comida grasa = fatty food.
    * comida infantil = baby food.
    * comida para animales = animal feed.
    * comida para llevar = takeaway meal, take-out meal, take-out.
    * comida para niños = baby food.
    * comida para pájaros = bird seed.
    * comida para perros = dog food.
    * comida para picar = finger food.
    * comida poco saludable = unhealthy foods.
    * comida precocinada = baked goods.
    * comida preparada = take-out.
    * comida principal = main meal.
    * comida rápida = fast food, junk food.
    * comidas = dining.
    * comida saludable = wholesome food, healthy food.
    * comida sana = wholesome food, healthy food.
    * comidas caseras = home cooking.
    * comidas selectas = delicatessen [deli, -abrev.].
    * comida tradicional de los negros del sur de los Estados Unidos = soul food.
    * comida y alojamiento = board and lodging.
    * comida y habitación = board and lodging.
    * decoración de los carritos de la comida = trolley dressing.
    * en las comidas = at meal times.
    * gasto en comida = food bill.
    * harto de comida = fullfed.
    * hora de la comida = mealtime [meal time].
    * industria de la comida rápida, la = fast-food industry, the.
    * preparar la comida = cook + meal.
    * puesto de café y comida = coffee and lunch corner.
    * puesto de comida = food stall.
    * restaurante de comida rápida = fast-food restaurant.
    * ser muy delicado con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * ser muy melindroso con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida = be a picky eater.
    * sin incluir las comidas = self-catering.

    * * *
    gastamos mucho en comida we spend a lot on food
    ¿te gusta la comida china? do you like Chinese food o cooking?
    comida para perros/gatos dog/cat food
    hago tres comidas al día I have o eat three meals a day
    come mucho pan con la comida she eats a lot of bread with her meals o food
    aquí la comida fuerte es la del mediodía here the main meal is at midday
    2 (menú, platos) food
    en este bar no sirven comidas they don't serve o ( BrE) do meals in this bar
    está haciendo or preparando la comida he's getting the food ready o cooking the food
    junk food
    comida de negocios/de trabajo
    business/working lunch
    school lunch o dinner ( BrE)
    1 (esp Esp, Méx) (almuerzo) lunch, dinner ( BrE)
    * * *


    Del verbo comedirse: ( conjugate comedirse)

    me comida es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo

    se comida es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo

    comida sustantivo femenino

    comida basura/rápida junk/fast food

    ¿quién hace la comida en tu casa? who does the cooking in your house?;
    todavía no he hecho la comida I still haven't cooked the meal
    c) (esp Esp, Méx) ( almuerzo) lunch

    d) (esp AmL) ( cena) dinner, supper;

    ( en algunas regiones del Reino Unido) tea
    comido,-a adjetivo yo estoy comida, I've had lunch
    vinieron comidos, when they arrived they had already eaten
    ♦ Locuciones: sale lo comido por lo servido, (no compensar) it's not worthwhile
    ser pan comido, to be a piece of cake
    comida sustantivo femenino
    1 (alimentos) food: la comida escasea, food is scarce
    2 (ingesta de alimentos) meal
    (al mediodía) lunch: después de la comida siempre estamos un ratito de sobremesa, after dinner we always chat around the table
    La palabra comida puede referirse al alimento en general ( food), a cualquiera de las tres comidas del día ( meal) o a la comida del mediodía ( lunch), aunque algunos anglohablantes la llaman a veces dinner. ➣ Ver nota en dinner
    ' comida' also found in these entries:
    - aderezar
    - aderezo
    - alimento
    - almuerzo
    - ansiosa
    - ansioso
    - antojarse
    - aperitivo
    - apetitosa
    - apetitoso
    - atracarse
    - bocado
    - brocheta
    - ciega
    - ciego
    - comido
    - cruda
    - crudo
    - delicada
    - delicado
    - delito
    - desorbitada
    - desorbitado
    - destemplarse
    - enormidad
    - envidiar
    - estar
    - estropearse
    - fondón
    - fondona
    - fuerte
    - grasosa
    - grasoso
    - guarrear
    - harta
    - hartar
    - harto
    - hincar
    - indigestarse
    - ingerir
    - itacate
    - llenar
    - mesa
    - mierda
    - mucha
    - mucho
    - palillo
    - pasar
    - peculiar
    - beautiful
    - beg
    - binge
    - bite
    - bland
    - boiling
    - burn
    - can
    - canned
    - cater
    - caterer
    - complaint
    - concoct
    - consumption
    - cook
    - cooking
    - cool down
    - cool off
    - course
    - dainty
    - decay
    - defrost
    - dehydrated
    - delicacy
    - delicatessen
    - delightful
    - diet
    - dig into
    - digest
    - dinner
    - disagree
    - dish
    - doggy bag
    - eat up
    - enjoyable
    - excessive
    - fancy
    - far
    - fare
    - fast food
    - feed
    - filling station
    - finish up
    - fit
    - fix
    - food
    - forage
    - freeze
    - fresh
    * * *
    comida nf
    1. [alimento] food;
    la comida francesa/mexicana French/Mexican food;
    comida para perros/gatos dog/cat food
    comida basura junk food;
    comida casera home cooking;
    Méx comida chatarra junk food; Méx comida corrida set meal; Méx comida corriente set meal;
    comidas a domicilio = home delivery of food;
    comidas para empresas business catering;
    comida para llevar takeaway food;
    comida preparada ready meals;
    comida rápida fast food
    2. [acto de comer] meal;
    se sirven comidas [en letrero] food served
    3. Esp, Méx [al mediodía] lunch;
    dar una comida to have a lunch party;
    una comida de negocios o [m5] de trabajo a business lunch;
    4. esp Andes [a la noche] dinner
    * * *
    1 (comestibles) food
    2 ocasión meal
    * * *
    comida nf
    1) : food
    2) : meal
    3) : dinner
    comida basura : junk food
    comida rápida : fast food
    * * *
    1. (alimentos) food
    ¿a qué hora quieres la comida? what time do you want lunch?

    Spanish-English dictionary > comida

  • 19 HÁR

    * * *
    (há, hátt), a.
    1) high; á háfum fjöllum, in high mountains; hæri en, higher than;
    2) tall (hár maðr vexti);
    3) superl. at the highest pitch; meðan hæst væri vetrar, sumars, in the depth of winter, in the height of summer;
    4) high, glorious; hæstu hátíðir, the highest feasts;
    5) loud (hár brestr); mæla hátt, to speak loud; hón verðr há við, she becomes clamorous or excited.
    (gen. hás, pl. háir), m. thole.
    n. hair (jarpr á hár).
    * * *
    adj., fem. há, neut. hátt, vide Gramm. p. xix; compar. hæri or hærri, superl. hæstr; hæðstr and hærstr, which are found in old printed books, are bad forms; for the inflexions, (which vary much, sometimes inserting f or v, sometimes not,) see the references below; in mod. usage the v is usually dropped, but the cases are bisyllabic, e. g. háir, háar, háa, háum, instead of the old hávir, hávar, háva, háfum or hám; the definite form in old writers is hávi or háfi, in mod. hái: [Ulf. hauhs = ὑψηλός; A. S. heah; Engl. high; O. H. G. hoh; Hel. hoh; Germ. hoch; old Frank, hag or hach; Swed. hög; Dan. höj; all of them with a final guttural, which in mod. Dan. has been changed into j; the final labial f or v, which in olden times was so freq. before a vowel, may be compared to laugh, rough, etc. in mod. Engl.; the g remains in the cognate word haugr]:—high; stiga sex álna háfan, Vm. 129; í hám fjalla-tindum, Edda 144 (pref.); á háfum fjöllum, Skálda 181; há fjöll, Getsp.; á hám gálga, Fsm. 45; á bekk hám, Akv. 2; hár bylgjur, Edda (Ht.); á borg inni há, Am. 18; á há fjalli, Gm. 17, Bs. i. 26 (in a verse); enar hæstu fjalla hæðir, Stj. 59; hár turn, Hkr. iii. 63; skaptið var eigi hæra, en …, Eg. 285 (of a spear); hátt hlaup, a high leap, i. e. from a high place, Fms. i. 166; hæri en grön er vex á hæsta fjalli, Hom. 152; hávar bárur, Gh. 13: hávar unnir, Skv. 2. 16; háfan garð, Fms. vi. (in a verse); hávu grasi, Hm. 120; but há grasi. Gm. 17; upp-háfa skúa, high boots, Fms. vii. 321: phrases, bera hæra skjöld, hlut, to carry the highest shield, lot, Fas. i. 383, Ld. 322.
    2. tall; hárr maðr vexti ( tall of stature), manna hæstr, very tall, Fms. i. 155; hárr maðr ok harðvaxinn, vii. 321.
    3. a metrical term; syllables in rhyme having the same consonants and quantity of vowels are jafn-háfar, in the same strain; kvattú svá? ‘gröm skömm’ eigi eru þær hendingar jafn háfar; ‘hrömm skömm’ þat væri jafnhátt, Fms. vi. 386.
    II. metaph. high, sublime, glorious; hærri tign, Fms. i. 214; enir hæstu Guðs postular, 625. 82; í hærra haldi, Fms. vii. 112; margar ræður þvílíkar eða enn hæri, or still sublimer, Sks. 635; hljóta háfan sigr, a glorious victory, Merl. 2. 69; háfan ávöxt, Mar. kv. 17; hæstu daga, hæstu hátíðir, the highest days or feasts (hátíð), Fms. x. 22.
    2. at the highest pitch; meðan hæstir eru stormar um vetrinn, Sks. 46; at hann væri kyrr meðan hæst væri vetrar, in the depth of winter, Fms. ix. 480; meðan hæst væri sumars, in the height of summer, Lv. 43; hátt vetrar megin, Sks.; cp. há-degi, há-vetr, há-sumar (below).
    3. loud; blása hátt (a trumpet), Vsp. 47; brestr hár, Fms. xi. 10, Glúm. 375; mæla hátt, to speak loud, Nj. 33; ok söng í hátt, it gave a loud sound, 83; kveða við hátt ok öskurliga, Fms. v. 164; þó þetta væri eigi hátt talat í fyrstu, ix. 250; æpa hátt, Sks. 653; hafa hátt, to make a noise; cp. gráta hástöfum (below), há-vaði (below); hón verðr há við, she became clamorous, excited, Ísl. ii. 350; hlæja hátt, to laugh loud, Skv. 2. 15.
    III. a mythol. pr. name, both Hár and Hávi, Edda; Hávi and Hár are names of Odin the High, whence Háva-mál, n. pl. the name of a poem, the Sayings of the High.
    2. prefixed in the pr. names Há-kon, Há-leygr, Há-rekr, Há-mundr, Há-steinn, Há-varðr, Há-varr; and in local names, Háfa-fell, etc.
    IV. neut. as adverb; geisa hátt, Edda 146 (pref.); skín hann nú því hærra, Fms. v. 241; unna e-m hærra en öðrum, to love one higher (more) than another, Sturl. i. 198; taka e-n hátt, to make much of one, Bs. i. 727; stökkva hátt, to make a high leap, look high, Fær. 57; sitja skör hærra en aðrir, a step higher, Fms. i. 7.
    B. COMPDS: háaltari, hábakki, hábakkaflæðr, hábeinn, hábjarg, hábogaðr, háborð, hábrók, hábrókan, hábrókask, hádegi, hádegisskeið, háeyrr, háfeti, háfjall, háflæðr, háfæta, háfættr, háhestr, hákirkja, háleggr, háleikr, háleitliga, háleitligr, háleitr, háliga, háligr, hálimar, hámessa, hámessumál, hámælgi, hámæli, hámæltr, hánefjaðr, hánefr, hápallr, háreysti, háreystr, hásalir, hásegl, háseymdr, háskeptr, háskóli, hástaðr, hástafir, hásteint, hástigi, hásumar, hásumartími, hásæti, hásætisborð, hásætiskista, hásætismaðr, hásætisstóll, hátalaðr, hátimbra, hátíð, hátíðaraptan, hátíðardagr, hátíðarhald, hátíðisdagr, hátíðiskveld, hátíðliga, hátíðligr, hávaði, hávaðamaðr, hávaðamikill, hávaðasamr, hávarr, háværr, háværð, hávegir, hávella, hávetr, hávetri.
    mod. háfr, m. [Germ. hai], a dog-fish, squalus acanthius, Skálda 162. In compds há- marks fish of the shark kind, as há-karl (q. v.), a shark, carcharias, Ann.: há-kerling, f. = hákarl: há-meri, f. squalus glaucus: há-mús, f. chimaera monstrosa, Linn.; also called geirnyt, Eggert Itin. 360: há-skerðingr, m. = hákarl, Edda (Gl.), Grág. ii. 337, 359, Pm. 69: háskerðinga-lýsi, n. shark’s oil, H. E. i. 395: háfs-roð, n. shark’s skin, shagreen.
    m., acc. há, pl. háir, a thole, Am. 35, Grett. 125, Fas. i. 215, Þiðr. 313; whence há-benda, u, f. = hamla, q. v.; há-borur, f. pl., q. v.; há-reiðar, f. pl. rowlocks, prop. ‘thole-gear,’ synonymous with hamla; inn féll (sjór) um söxin ok háreiðarnar, Sturl. iii. 66, (Cd. Brit. Mus., Cd. Arna-Magn. háborurnar); leggja árar í háreiðar, to lay the oars in the rowlocks, Fms. xi. 70 (v. 1. to hömlur), 101, x. 285; lágu þar árar í háreiðum, Eg. 360 (v. l. to hömlu-böndum), Lex. Poët.: há-seti, a, m. a ‘ thole-sitter,’ oarsman, opp. to the captain or helmsman, Grág. i. 90, N. G. L. i. 98, Landn. 44, Fbr. 62 new Ed., Fms. vi. 239, 246: há-stokkar, m. pl. the gunwale, Bs. i. 385, 390.
    β. in poetry a ship is called há-dýr, n., há-sleipnir, m. the horse of rowlocks.
    n. [A. S. hær; Engl. hair; Germ. har; Dan.-Swed. hår; Lat. caesaries]:— hair, including both Lat. crines and capilli, Skálda 162, Nj. 2, Sks. 288; fara ór hárum, to change the hair, of beasts, passim; eitt hár hvítt eðr svart, Matth. v. 36; höfuð-hár, the hair of the head; lík-hár, the hair on the body, breast, or hands of men, opp. to the head; úlfalda-hár, iii. 4; hross-hár, horse-hair; hunds-hár, kattar-hár.
    COMPDS: háralag, hárslitr.
    ☞ For the hair of women, see Nj. ch. 1, 78, 117, Landn. 2, ch. 30, Edda 21, passim; of men, Nj. ch. 121, Ld. ch. 63, and passim.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > HÁR

  • 20 migaja

    1 bit (trozo).
    2 scrap (pizca).
    3 crumb, breadcrumb.
    * * *
    1 (gen) crumb; (de pan) breadcrumb
    2 familiar figurado bit, scrap
    * * *
    = crumb.
    Ex. The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.
    * que se descompone en migajas = crumby.
    * * *

    Ex: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.

    * que se descompone en migajas = crumby.

    * * *

    migaja sustantivo femenino
    1 (de galleta, pan, etc) crumb
    2 (un poco) bit, scrap: ¿me podrías dar una migaja de esa tarta?, would you give me a taste of that pie?
    ' migaja' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    migaja nf
    1. [de alimento] bit;
    [de pan] crumb
    migajas [restos] leftovers;
    los hijos se disputaron las migajas de la herencia the children fought over what was left of their inheritance
    * * *
    migaja nf
    1) : crumb
    2) migajas nfpl
    sobras: leftovers, scraps

    Spanish-English dictionary > migaja

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Summer of the Shark — The summer of 2001 was dubbed Summer of the Shark by American newsmedia outlets capitalizing on a June 2001 bull shark attack that severed the arm of 8 year old Jessie Arbogast (later reattached) and subsequent shark attacks worldwide. Abrogast s …   Wikipedia

  • jump\ the\ shark — The precise moment when you know a tv show, rock band, or actor has gone downhill. The Brady Bunch jumped the shark the day Cousin Oliver joined the cast …   Dictionary of american slang

  • jump\ the\ shark — The precise moment when you know a tv show, rock band, or actor has gone downhill. The Brady Bunch jumped the shark the day Cousin Oliver joined the cast …   Dictionary of american slang

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  • jump the shark — v. In a television show, to include an over the top scene or plot twist that is indicative either of an irreversible decline in the show s quality or of a desperate bid to stem the show s declining ratings. Also: JTS. jump the shark adj. jumping… …   New words

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